Snowden: The Paradoxical Prophet of Privacy

Top Secret STamp

Edward Snowden, the digital age’s prodigal son, defected from the orthodoxy of American intelligence, an act that forever put him in the limelight of public scrutiny and transformed him into a pariah of the establishment, a devil with an angel’s conscience, a traitor with a patriot’s heart. His peculiar story brings into focus the swirling … Read more

Animal Farm: Orwell’s Timeless Mirror Reflecting Modern Realities

Photo of Author George Orwell

George Orwell’s allegorical masterpiece, Animal Farm, published over seven decades ago, continues to shine a piercing light on the political landscape of our world. With a sharp intellect and unyielding honesty reminiscent of the late Christopher Hitchens, Orwell dissected the nature of power, corruption, and the dangers of totalitarianism. Today, his work resonates even more … Read more